The useStore hook is from zustand, and inherits all of the documentation for Zustand stores.


  • Flexible interaction with the broadcast state store
  • Based on Zustand’s useStore hooks


Import the components and piece the parts together.

import * as Broadcast from "@livepeer/react/broadcast";
import { useBroadcastContext, useStore } from "@livepeer/react/broadcast";

export default () => (
    {/** The `useBroadcastContext` hook can be used in any component,
    as long as it's inside the Broadcast.Root React Context provider */}
    <CustomComponent />

function CustomComponent({
}: Broadcast.BroadcastScopedProps<{}>) {
  const context = useBroadcastContext("CustomComponent", __scopeBroadcast);

  // use selectors with the Zustand store, to make sure your component doesn't render
  // on every store state change
  const { status } = useStore(, ({ status }) => ({

  return status;


The useBroadcastContext hook returns a Zustand store, which contains the BroadcastState.


The ARIA text for the controls given the current state.

type BroadcastAriaText = {
  audioTrigger: string;
  start: string;
  screenshareTrigger: string;
  videoTrigger: string;


Indicates whether the broadcast’s audio track is turned on.


Specifies whether the broadcast is currently active or in “preview” mode.


Reflects whether the broadcast store is hydrated, indicating if initial data has been loaded into the state.


A list of the current media devices (based on MediaDeviceInfo), which changes based on permissions or when a user starts sharing their display.

type MediaDeviceInfoExtended = Omit<MediaDeviceInfo, "label" | "toJSON"> & {
   * This is a convenience field added to MediaDeviceInfo to help easily add a device picker.
   * For security reasons, the label field will blank unless an active media stream exists
   * or the user has granted persistent permission for media device access. The set of device labels
   * could otherwise be used as part of a fingerprinting mechanism to identify a user.
   * When the label field is not blank, these are the same value. Otherwise, the value is a friendly default.
  friendlyName: string;
   * For security reasons, the label field is blank unless an active media stream exists
   * or the user has granted persistent permission for media device access. The set of device labels
   * could otherwise be used as part of a fingerprinting mechanism to identify a user.
   * We override it here to be null when it is blank, for easier developer usage.
  label: string | null;

mediaDevices: MediaDeviceInfoExtended[] | null;


The MediaStream for the current broadcast, containing the audio and video tracks.

mediaStream: MediaStream | null;


Whether the broadcast component is currently mounted in the DOM.


The RTCPeerConnection object for the broadcast, managing the connection between the local and remote peers.

peerConnection: RTCPeerConnection | null;


The current status of the broadcast, which can be “live”, “pending”, or “idle”.

status: "live" | "pending" | "idle";


The WHIP ingest URL used for the broadcast.

ingestUrl: string | null;


Indicates if the broadcast’s video track is turned on.


The IDs of the currently selected media devices.

mediaDeviceIds: MediaDeviceIds;


The initial properties passed into the broadcast component. This is an internal object used by Broadcast.

__initialProps: InitialBroadcastProps;


Information about the broadcast device’s capabilities and support. This is an internal object used by Broadcast, but can be used for detecting device capabilities.

type BroadcastDeviceInformation = {
  version: string;
  /** If the environment supports mediaDevices */
  isMediaDevicesSupported: boolean;
  /** If the environment supports RTCPeerConnection */
  isRTCPeerConnectionSupported: boolean;
  /** If the environment supports sharing display media */
  isDisplayMediaSupported: boolean;

__device: BroadcastDeviceInformation;


The current state of broadcast controls. This is an internal object used by Broadcast.

__controls: BroadcastControlsState;


An object containing functions to manipulate the broadcast’s state, such as toggling audio/video, updating the media stream, and setting the peer connection.

These functions are internal - please refer to the UI Kit source code before interacting with these functions.

__controlsFunctions: {
    requestDeviceListInfo: () => void;
    requestForceRenegotiate: () => void;
    requestMediaDeviceId: (deviceId: AudioDeviceId, type: keyof MediaDeviceIds) => void;
    rotateAudioSource: () => void;
    rotateVideoSource: () => void;
    setIngestUrl: (ingestUrl: string) => void;
    setInitialState: (ids: MediaDeviceIds, audio: boolean, video: boolean) => void;
    setPeerConnection: (peerConnection: RTCPeerConnection) => void;
    setStatus: (status: BroadcastStatus) => void;
    setMediaDeviceIds: (mediaDevices: Partial<MediaDeviceIds>) => void;
    toggleAudio: () => void;
    toggleDisplayMedia: () => void;
    toggleEnabled: () => void;
    toggleVideo: () => void;
    updateDeviceList: (mediaDevices: MediaDeviceInfo[]) => void;
    updateMediaStream: (mediaStream: MediaStream) => void;