Retrieve recorded sessions
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Path Parameters
ID of the parent stream
Query Parameters
Flag indicating if the response should only include recorded sessions
Timestamp (in milliseconds) at which stream object was created
Rate at which sourceBytes increases (bytes/second)
The URL for the stream session recording packaged in an MP4.
Rate at which transcodedBytes increases (bytes/second)
Points to parent stream object
The playback ID to use with the Playback Info endpoint to retrieve playback URLs.
The ID of the project
Whether the stream should be recorded. Uses default settings. For more customization, create and configure an object store.
The status of the recording process of this stream session.
, ready
, failed
, deleted
, none
URL for accessing the recording of this stream session.
Duration of all the source segments, sec
Duration of all the transcoded segments, sec
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