The Enabled components are used to generally start and stop the broadcast. The broadcast, by default, starts disabled so the user can preview their video before going live.


  • Conditional rendering based on the enabled state, customizable with the matcher pattern
  • Dynamic data attributes for custom styling based on the current enabled state

Toggling “enabled” turns WHIP WebRTC ingest on or off, which when “on” the Broadcast component will make a POST request with an SDP payload to the WHIP endpoint. When “off”, it will stop sending data to the WebRTC ingest.


Import the components and piece the parts together.

import * as Broadcast from "@livepeer/react/broadcast";

export default () => (
    <Broadcast.EnabledTrigger />
    <Broadcast.EnabledIndicator />



The component accepts all props suitable for a button element.


The component accepts all props for a span element.


A boolean that, when true, ensures the component is always mounted. This is particularly useful for managing animations with external animation libraries and ensuring visibility during dynamic broadcast scenarios.


A prop intended to define the circumstances under which the EnabledIndicator should be visible. It can be a boolean that directly corresponds to the enabled state or a function providing custom logic for visibility determination based on the enabled state.

Data Attributes



Serves to identify the component’s role within the broadcast interface.


Indicates the current broadcast state, "true" when broadcasting is enabled and "false" when it is disabled.



Identifies the component’s role as a visual indicator of the broadcast state within the broadcast interface.


Shows the current broadcast state, "true" when broadcasting is enabled and "false" when it is disabled.


Reflects the visibility status of the indicator, with "true" meaning it’s currently visible based on the matcher or broadcast state and "false" denoting it’s not visible.

This is often used for dynamically applying enter/exit CSS animations.