
  • Synchronizes state with the HTML5 video element
  • Keyboard hotkeys (/ to seek, K to pause, M to toggle mute, F fullscreen, I picture-in-picture)
  • Adheres to WAI-ARIA design patterns


Import the components and piece the parts together.

import * as Player from "@livepeer/react/player";

export default () => (
    <Player.Video />


The component accepts most props suitable for a HTML5 video tag, except for src, poster, autoPlay, and preload, which are managed internally or provided explicitly through props.


Optional. Controls the poster source. By default, it uses the thumbnail from the Root src input. Set to null to disable the default poster image from the Root src.


Optional. Controls the HLS.js config. By default, it adds JWT or Access Token headers to HLS segment requests.

Data Attributes


Serves to identify the component’s role within the Player.


Indicates the type of the current source, such as “none” when there’s no source, or other types based on the media being played.

This can be of the type: "audio" | "video" | "hls" | "webrtc" | "none"