AI Orchestrators on the AI Subnet can choose from various AI models to advertise on the network. A comprehensive list of currently supported models for each AI Subnet pipeline is available on the Pipelines page. Before specifying which models to advertise on the AI Subnet, you must first download the models to your machine. The following steps will guide you through downloading the currently recommended models for the AI Subnet.


Install HuggingFace CLI

Use the following command to install the HuggingFace CLI:

pip install huggingface_hub[cli,hf_transfer]

Generate Hugging Face Token

Follow the instructions on the Hugging Face website to generate an access token with read permissions. Then, use the Hugging Face CLI to install the token:

huggingface-cli login

You will be prompted to paste the access token you created on the Hugging Face website.


Accept SVD1.1 Terms

The currently recommended models include one gated model. Therefore, you must accept the terms of the SVD1.1 model on its model page before downloading.


Download AI Models

Use the following command to download the recommended models for the AI Subnet:

cd ~/.lpData
curl -s | bash -s -- --alpha

This command downloads the recommended models for the AI Subnet and stores them in your machine’s ~/.lpData/models directory. To obtain a complete set of AI Subnet models, omit the --alpha flag. This requires additional disk space.