The ClipTrigger is designed to be used as a child of the Player component. It interacts with the playback state to provide a user-friendly interface for creating media clips, based on the Unix timestamp from the current playback position.

Clipping is currently supported only for livestreams.


  • Automatically handles determining the current playback head in Unix time
  • Compatible with the create clip API
  • Keyboard hotkeys and adheres to WAI-ARIA design patterns
  • Conditional rendering if it is supported by the current media and is enabled

ClipTrigger will automatically handle determining the Unix timestamp for the current playback position. The playback position is not the same as the server livestream head, due to natural latency from server ingest to playback. This is why Unix timestamps are required, and relative timestamps cannot be used.


Import the components and piece the parts together.

import * as Player from "@livepeer/react/player";

export default () => (
        <Player.ClipTrigger />
          <Player.ClipTrigger />


ClipTrigger is a button that users can interact with to initiate the clip creation process. It’s displayed only if clipping functionality is enabled (by passing a valid clipLength to the Root component).

It should be wrapped in a LiveIndicator, since the “last n seconds” clipping functionality is only supported on livestreams.


The component accepts all props suitable for a button element, along with specific props:


A boolean that, when set to true, ensures the component is always mounted. This is particularly useful for controlling animations with external animation libraries.


A function that gets called when a clip is requested. It receives an object containing the playbackId, startTime, and endTime, which can be used to handle the clip creation process.

Data Attributes

The ClipTrigger component assigns data attributes to its underlying element to reflect the current state and user interaction capabilities.


Serves to identify the component’s role.


Indicates the visibility status of the trigger, with "true" meaning it’s currently visible (i.e., clip functionality is enabled) and "false" denoting it’s not visible, useful for CSS-based animations.