The previous section covered the off-chain configuration of the AI Gateway node. This section will explain how to connect an AI Gateway node to the AI subnet and request AI inference jobs on-chain.


  • A dedicated static IP address or domain name for your AI Gateway node
  • A funded Ethereum account with enough ETH to cover gas fees and pay for AI inference jobs

Launch your On-chain AI Gateway

After setting up your AI Gateway off-chain, it’s time to connect it to the AI Subnet for on-chain AI inference jobs. This process is similar to the Mainnet Transcoding Network Gateway setup, with a few extra flags due to AI Subnet software limitations. See the Mainnet Transcoding Network Gateway guide for details. Below is a summary:


Verify Off-chain AI Gateway

Verify that your AI Gateway node is functioning correctly off-chain before connecting it to the AI Subnet. Refer to the previous section for more details.


Prepare your Ethereum account

Ensure your Ethereum account has enough ETH to cover gas fees and AI inference jobs. Refer to the Fund Gateway Guide for more details.


Fund your AI Gateway

Fund your AI Gateway to ensure it has sufficient deposit and reserve to pay for AI inference requests. Refer to the Deposit Gateway Funds via Livepeer CLI guide for more information.


Configure Transcoding Options

Configure transcoding options, even though the AI Gateway is not a transcoding node, due to current AI Subnet software limitations. Refer to the Transcoding Options guide for more details.


Launch an AI Gateway

Launch your AI Gateway node. This process is similar to the docker or binary steps in the previous section, but requires additional flags to enable on-chain functionality. Here’s an example:

  • -network=arbitrum-one-mainnet: This flag connects the AI Gateway node to the Arbitrum Mainnet network.
  • -ethUrl= This flag sets the Arbitrum Mainnet RPC URL. Replace this with your own RPC URL if needed.
  • -ethKeystorePath=/root/.lpData/arbitrum-one-mainnet/keystore: This flag sets the path to the AI Gateway’s Ethereum keystore file.
  • -ethAcctAddr <AI_SUBNET_ORCH_ETH_ADDRESS>: This flag sets the Ethereum address of the AI Gateway.
  • -ethPassword=/root/.lpData/.eth_secret: This flag sets the path to the Ethereum keystore password file.
  • -ethOrchAddr=<MAIN_ORCH_ETH_ADDRESS>: This flag sets the Ethereum address of the Mainnet Transcoding Network Gateway.
  • -maxTotalEV=100000000000000: This flag ensures that the AI Gateway doesn’t trigger maximum total ticket value limits set by the go-livepeer software.