
  • Automatic conditional rendering based on browser API availability, customizable with the matcher pattern
  • Supports both the w3c standard (which most modern browsers support), as well as the older Safari/iOS spec (see the browsers which support Picture-in-Picture on caniuse)


Import the components and piece the parts together.

import * as Broadcast from "@livepeer/react/broadcast";

export default () => (
      <Broadcast.PictureInPictureTrigger />
        <Broadcast.PictureInPictureTrigger />


The component accepts all props suitable for a button element.

Data Attributes


Serves to identify the component’s role.


Indicates the current picture-in-picture state, "true" when the feature is active and "false" otherwise.


Reflects the visibility status of the trigger, with "true" meaning it’s currently visible (i.e., picture-in-picture is supported and the media is not in fullscreen mode) and "false" denoting it’s not visible.

This is often used for dynamically applying enter/exit CSS animations.