All of the SourceSelect components extend from @radix-ui/react-select, and inherits all of the documentation for those components.


  • Synchronizes state with the user media and the broadcast
  • Adheres to WAI-ARIA design patterns
  • Persists to localStorage by default (with storage overrides customizable in Root)


Import the components and piece the parts together.

import * as Broadcast from "@livepeer/react/broadcast";

export default () => (
        <Broadcast.SelectValue />
        <Broadcast.SelectIcon />
          <Broadcast.SelectScrollUpButton />
              <Broadcast.SelectItemText />
              <Broadcast.SelectItemIndicator />

              <Broadcast.SelectLabel />
                <Broadcast.SelectItemText />
                <Broadcast.SelectItemIndicator />

            <Broadcast.SelectSeparator />
          <Broadcast.SelectScrollDownButton />
          <Broadcast.SelectArrow />



Takes all props of the Radix Select Root component.


A boolean that, when set to true, ensures the component is always mounted. If this is not specified, it will only be shown when sources are detected.


A string indicating the type of media devices to list in the dropdown, either "audioinput" for microphones or "videoinput" for cameras.


A function that takes the available media devices as input and returns the React nodes (options) to be rendered inside the dropdown. This enables dynamic population of the dropdown based on the available devices. ™

The device ID must be used for the SelectItem value.

Data Attributes


Serves to identify the component’s role within the broadcast interface.


Indicates the type of media source device the dropdown is currently displaying, either "audioinput" for microphones or "videoinput" for cameras.


Reflects the visibility status of the dropdown, with "true" meaning it’s currently visible (i.e., device support is available) and "false" denoting it’s not visible.