This section explains how to publish and consume content to the Livepeer Gateway.

This can be done via a command line interface using FFmpeg, or from a graphical user interface using OBS Studio and VLC Media Player.

Command Line Interface

This section explains how to publish content to and from Livepeer Gateway using a command line interface (CLI).

Install FFmpeg

Install FFmpeg for your platform following the instructions on the FFmpeg website.

Run the following command to send an RTMP test stream to the Gateway:

ffmpeg -re -f lavfi -i \
       testsrc=size=1280x720:rate=30,format=yuv420p \
       -f lavfi -i sine -c:v libx264 -b:v 3000k \
       -x264-params keyint=60 -c:a aac -f flv \
       rtmp://<YOUR IP ADDRESS>:1935/test_source
  • test_source is the “stream key” for this publication.
  • size=1280x720 defines the dimensions of the test video source in pixels
  • rate=30 defines the frame rate of the test video in frames per second
  • 1000k defines the bitrate for the stream
  • keyint=60 defines the keyframe interval in frames

Run the following command to send a recorded video file to the Gateway:

ffmpeg \
    -re \
    -i \
    -codec copy \
    -f flv rtmp://<YOUR IP ADDRESS>:1935/video_file
  • video_file is the “stream key” for this stream.

Graphical User Interface

This section explains how to publish media to the Livepeer Gateway using a graphical user interface (GUI).

Publish content using OBS Studio

OBS Studio can be used to publish streaming media to the Livepeer Gateway:

  1. Install OBS Studio.

  2. Open OBS Studio and go to File > Settings > Stream.

  3. Enter the following details:

    Service: Custom
    Server: rtmp://<YOUR IP ADDRESS>:1935
    Stream Key: stream-key
  4. Go to the Output tab and set Output Mode to Advanced.

  5. Set the Keyframe Interval to 1.

  6. Click OK and then Start Streaming in the main window.